Together, Appspace & Humly deliver a room booking experience that’s sleek, stylish, and secure
Get your hands on our products and experience them firsthand for 60 days. Humly will provide the award-winning hardware and Appspace, the software workplace technology suite.
Yes, we mean FREE! We will ship a sample of our complete hardware kit directly to you and, if you choose to cancel the trial, include a return shipping label to send back at no cost.
Create a more connected and engaging workplace experience, with solutions for specific business needs, teams, and industries.
We are proud to offer a solution were the experts on hardware products from Humly have enabled the Appspace system to integrate and display modules directly on the Humly Room Display.
Schedule a meeting with us to learn more or if you want to become a reference case.
// Humly & Appspace
*Terms & conditions apply